Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Great Blog - Really Makes you Think "Out of the Box"

I came across this blog post from Sturdy Roots and Dan Smolen Direct Search, LLC. The blog concerns repurposing those empty big box stores that have gone out of business and creating living spaces and/or adding to your existing workspace rather than building new.

Click here to read about this great idea.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the props, Wendy.

These empty storefronts present a serious problem, especially with estimates that over 70,000 store locations may go out of business (just in first quarter of this year).

We can either allow these properties to remain vacant and become graffiti-covered eyesores, or, we can transform them into wonderful living and working spaces.

BTW, nice blog!

Dan Smolen

Wendy said...

Thank you Dan. I really enjoyed your article and wanted to share it with my readers. Have a great day! Wendy