Monday, March 23, 2009

The Power of Less/Zen Habits

The Power Of Less: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential

I just finished reading this great book "The Power of Less - The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential" by Leo Babuata. You may already be familiar with the author through his website and blog

I really enjoyed reading this book for many reasons beginning with setting goals. The author stresses that the way to reach your goals is to focus on one goal at a time until it is completed. This is true for goals which would realistically take 6 months or less to complete. Say your goal is to develop an exercise program - walking, for instance. Follow through with your goal by working on it every day.

Think how much better you'll feel when you accomplish this one goal.

Leo Babuata includes many positive suggestions in his book including setting pre-determined times to read email - once in the morning, once in the afternoon as well as setting limits on internet time as a whole. He stresses doing your most important tasks (MIT's) first thing in the morning. Another suggestion is to make a short list of what is essential in your life and begin to eliminate the non-essentials.

He also reminds us how important a decluttered desk is. Removing all the distractions allows you to focus on the task at hand. Create systems to handle the clutter on your desk.

I would recommend this book for anyone who is looking for more focus in their lives and wants suggestions on how to achieve their goals.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hi Wendy: I like the sound of this book. I will check it out. I know how vital it is to declutter the desk, but for some reason it remains a difficult task. It just seems there are certain things I really need to keep close by--but not probably on top of everything else!